How Bulgarian Judiciary Could Not Understand EU Messages

София ( 20 декември 2012)Започна заседанието на Висшия съдебен съвет за избора на главен прокурор. Съветът първо ще изслуша тримата кандидати, а след това ще гласува, използвайки електронна уредба."ВСС е пред голяма отговорност да проведе честен вот", каза в началото на заседанието министърът на правосъдието Диана Ковачева. Пресфото-БТА снимка: Асен Тонев(ЕЗ)

The English Language Sofia Weekly ( today published an article about EU reflections on New Chief Prosecutor Election in Bulgaria. Lets remind that after a series of controversial nominations for supreme judges and other judiciary leaders in Bulgaria. together with scandalous EU funds fraud case “Stoykov-Nikolov” developments in judiciary were put on close monitoring. So, on 22 December a new signal has come on this issue …

EC Says New CVM Report on Bulgaria May Arrive Any Time

The European Commission follows closely Bulgaria’s judiciary and home affairs, with a new Cooperation and Verification Mechanism report possible at any time, an EC spokesperson has stated.

Spokesperson Frederic Vincent’s comment follows the controversial election of judge Sotir Tsatsarov as the Balkan country’s next chief prosecutor.

Vincent has told the Bulgarian National Radio that the EC will not comment on the new chief prosecutor personally. He reminded that EC spokesman Mark Gray recently expressed the Commission’s expectations very clearly.

Gray said that the Commission would closely watch the vote for new chief prosecutor and will prepare a report on Bulgaria’s results in judicial reforms, corruption combat and organized crime.

Gray pointed out that this was not an additional interim report, though local media cites sources from Brussels as saying the European Commission was very close to such a decision.

This was the second time in the last two months when the European Commission has warned Bulgaria over controversial judicial appointments.

The European Commission warned at the end of October that Bulgaria might face an interim report on justice and home affairs in case “the situation requires it.”The warning came after Parliament ignored strong criticism from Brussels, covered up tipoffs against one of the candidates and elected the 2 constitutional judges from their quota, triggering an unprecedented scandal.